Steve & Lorrie Hart

Areas of assistance
✓ Inner Healing
✓ Trauma Therapy
✓ Professional Counseling
✓ Grief and loss
✓ Family Counseling
✓ Restoring the foundations
✓ Spiritual Supervision
✓ Life direction and purpose
✓ Marriage health
✓ Team Coaching

Your preferred way to be contacted:
✓ Email

Do you take appointments in person, online or both?
Online only
✓ Both

Are you Certified in your chosen field?
✓ Yes

What is your ministry or business name?
Harts Healed Minsitries


Our ministry brings people into freedom, healing, and identity as sons and daughters of God. We address four basic areas: generational sin patterns; self-limiting or false beliefs; emotional and spiritual healing of hurts, trauma, fear, and shame; and deliverance from spiritual oppression. We both served for 20 years as ordained pastors in denominational churches. We bring a depth of experience to our work: pastoral leadership, mental health and addictions rehab, restoration of marriages, spiritual direction and formation for individuals and groups, training of intercessory prayer teams, and helping congregations and their leaders reconcile conflict and discover renewed vision and purpose. We serve the Kingdom of our Lord by helping to restore His Bride, the church.


Education and Training

Certified Professional Accountant
Masters in Divinity
Ordained in the Anglican Communion
Restoring the Foundations Qualified as Healing House Ministers
Transforming Your Business (TYB) Qualified
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Masters in Divinity Ordained in the Anglican Communion
Restoring the Foundations Qualified as Healing House Ministers
Transforming Your Business (TYB) Qualified


Do you charge for your personal appointments?

✓ Yes No

If yes, please indicate which bracket your fees sit within per appointment

✓ $100-200


Marcelo & Jaque Orsi


Robert M. Thomas Jr.