Marcelo & Jaque Orsi

Areas of assistance
✓ Inner Healing
✓ Grief and loss
✓ Family Counseling
✓ Restoring the foundations
✓ Deliverance
✓ Spiritual Supervision
✓ Life direction and purpose
✓ Marriage health
✓ Conflict resolution

Your preferred way to be contacted:
✓ Email
✓ Phone
✓ Whatsapp

Do you take appointments in person, online or both?
Online only
✓ Both

Are you Certified in your chosen field?
✓ Yes

What is your ministry or business name?
Restoring The Foundations Ministers and Trainers


We are Restoring the Foundations Ministers and Trainers and our area of expertise is to deal with the spiritual root causes of what is hindering you to experience the Father and live your God-given destiny here on earth.

Our passion is to see people set free and to be able to fulfill their calling. We have a heart for our generation and feel especially called to minister to those who struggle with sexual issues and bondage to sin.

We want to see families of all ages restored, living their full potential and embracing their calling, free from the bondage of sin. If you’d like to experience true and lasting freedom, please contact us.

We provide online ministry.


Education and Training

  • Restoring the Foundations Healing House Network level for 17 years.

  • Psychology (Jaque)

  • Theology (Marcelo)

  • School of Ministry 2001 (Jaque) and 2005 (Marcelo)


Do you charge for your personal appointments?

✓ Yes No

If yes, please indicate which bracket your fees sit within per appointment

✓ $200+


Claire Ndayirorere


Steve & Lorrie Hart