Below are our upcoming missions trips. On the menu you can sort through types of trips as well as the challenge difficulty.
One Spark
Introductory Trips
Two Sparks
Three Sparks
Four Sparks
Five Sparks
High Intensity

Partnering with Impact Nations, we will be heading to Pakistan bringing medical, dental and practical help.
We will be staying in a hotel and travelling about an hour each day to villages to run medical and dental camps. We pray that through practical help, it will open the doors for the local team to reach the locals in the villages.
Contact if you are interested in joining!
More info coming soon.

The Holy Spirit ignites the fire: Get ready!
Get ready for our epic conference with John & Carol Arnott, Bruno Ierullo, Steve & Sandra Long, Sanna Warren and more.
This conference, Ignition25, will be held from May 1-3, 2025 in the city of Lyon, France. Just like Sound24, it's going to be an event you won't want to miss. Mark your calendars now!
Find out more and register below:

Come to Zimbabwe!!
Join Duncan & Kate Smith, Steve Long, and Sanna Warren as we run a mini International Leaders School of Ministry! We will also visit orphanages, do community outreach, go to local churches, and have a fun day off seeing the beauty of Africa, and it’s incredible wildlife!!
Let’s see Africa transformed by the love of God! ❤️🔥
Questions? Email:

In partnership with Far-Flung Tin Can, we are heading to Ecuador, where we will be doing repairs on the huge building of Pan de Vida, leading VBS, having services, hosting conferences, and of course seeing the beautiful landscape.
Cost: $2700 USD
For more information and to apply, hit the button below:
(Button link):

Travel throughout the island of Mindanao to work alongside One Way Outreach. Be a part of a youth conference with 2,500 teens. We'll stay in Madabatwan village and minister to a remote community and we hope to also pour in to a new church plant that we were able to help build.
Here are the details about our trip to Philippines:
Dates: July 23, 2025 - August 1, 2025
Cost: $3500

In partnership with Far-Flung Tin Can, we will be traveling to Southern Peru as we travel across a lake at 12,000 feet in elevation to Peru's floating islands. We will be sleeping on these man-made islands while we minister to different tribes throughout the lake.
Cost: $2600
More information and how to apply below:

Dominican Republic
Join us in the Dominican Republic in partnership with Shine the Light!
Build a house for a family in need. Change a life and it will change yours!
Find out more and apply below!
Trips Typically Include:
The construction of a new home for a family which will be completed by the end of the end of the week.
The opportunity to cook a typical Dominican meal alongside a local family.
Medical and/or dental clinics providing essential and much needed care.
Some rest time to enjoy the beach and all that beautiful Puerto Plata has to offer.

🇬🇧 Come to Togo for a life changing trip!!
We will spend time in the villages with the locals, run a conference for the community, train and equip leaders, and plant a Catch The Fire Church!!
Plus a fun day off to see more of Togo, and visit the neighbouring country of Benin to see the infamous ‘Gate of No Return’ - a heritage sight where African’s were shipped into slavery. We will also visit a community completely built on stilts!
We are very excited for this trip, and can’t wait to see the nation of Togo transformed for the Kingdom of God! Come and be part of the legacy!
If you have any questions, email Sanna at
Date options:
1st - 11th November OR 1st - 15th November
🇫🇷 Venez au Togo pour un voyage qui changera votre vie !!
Nous passerons du temps dans les villages avec les habitants, organiserons une conférence pour la communauté, formerons et équiperons les dirigeants et implanterons une église Catch The Fire !!
En plus, nous passerons une journée de congé amusante pour découvrir davantage le Togo et visiter le pays voisin, le Bénin, pour voir la tristement célèbre « Porte du non-retour » - un site patrimonial où les Africains étaient expédiés en esclavage. Nous visiterons également une communauté entièrement construite sur pilotis !
Nous sommes très enthousiastes à l'idée de ce voyage et nous avons hâte de voir la nation du Togo transformée pour le Royaume de Dieu ! Venez faire partie de l'héritage !
Si vous avez des questions, envoyez un e-mail à Sanna à
Options de date :
1er au 11 novembre OU 1er au 15 novembre