World Changers
Our mission is to change lives by sowing God’s love into nations everywhere.
World Changers is a partnership program devoted to spreading God's transforming presence around the world.
In Matthew 28:18, Jesus said, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
Each of us has a beautiful, unique calling, but we are all called to ‘go’ so that the name of Jesus can be made known to every nation, tribe, and tongue. For all of us, we need to go to our neighbor. For some of us, that is in our home towns, a local coffee shop, a 9-5 job being a witness in the secular world and financially supporting those on the field. For others, the go is to the unreached corners of the earth, to distant nations and unfamiliar cultures.
The reality is, too many people haven’t heard the gospel message, haven’t had their hearts filled with the hope of Jesus, encountered the Holy Spirit, and don’t know the Father loves them. This is why we must go!
This is why World Changers exists.
Birthed out of the Toronto Blessing over 20 years ago, Catch The Fire World Changers is a partnership program devoted to spreading God's transforming presence worldwide. We seek to bring change by spreading our Catch The Fire values: Presence, Encounter, and Transformation, everywhere we go. Our heart is for the lost. Our heart is for the unreached. Our heart is for the nations. Our heart is mission.
One moment in God’s presence and lives are changed forever.
What can you do?
Partner with us by becoming a World Changer. Help us to make Jesus known, to raise up every generation, and to populate Heaven!
As a World Changer you will receive:
Invitations to join us on mission trips. Come with us!
Invitations to join us on ILSOM’s (International Leaders School Of Ministry) as the ministry team.
Regular updates from senior leaders.
Testimonies of what God is doing through your generosity.
And full transparency of where your donations go so that you can see the fruit of your giving.
Where are your donations going?
To see the lost saved: Humanitarian aid projects globally
To raise up disciples: ILSOM’s & training in developing countries
To reach the unreached: Bible translation & distribution
Sign up today. Become a World Changer!
Sign up as a monthly giver or give a one-time gift for the year
(suggested $25/month or $300 for the year).
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