How to Value Having Fun
by Duncan and Kate Smith
The way you feel matters. In Nehemiah, leaders instructed their people to have joy saying, “the joy of the Lord is your strength.” They were calling people to take responsibility and grab a hold of joy. We are blessed with the opportunity to do the same. If you are not experiencing the joy of the Lord, there are many solutions. We will delve into some solutions and remove obstacles that could get in the way. Furthermore, hear about some of the new church plants and an idea of giving away the Father’s love that we are walking out.
Listen to the Zoom Audio of Duncan and Kate Smith talking about how to value having fun.
Read the article from Duncan and Kate Smith about valuing having fun.
Duncan and Kate Smith are revivalists who carry the fire of God's love and power all over the world. Together, they serve as the Presidents of Catch The Fire World, a global network of revival churches, missions, and ministries, birthed out of the Toronto Revival. They are the Senior Leaders of Catch The Fire Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, a vibrant, growing church full of the love and presence of God.