world advance 2024 BULGARIA 01. Story Moment with Mike Sawka | Grow Moment with Michael & Diane Brodeur 02. Resilient Leadership with Lynley Allan 03. Revival Leadership Lessons with John & Carol Arnott, Steve & Sandra Long, Duncan & Kate Smith 04. Story Moment with Bruce Mason | Grow Moment with Laura Densham 05. Being Antioch Leaders with Stuart Allan 06. Unleashing the Apostolic in You with Seth Fawcett 07. Story Moment with Rachel Sawka | Grow Moment with Jordan Miller-Piche 08. Leading with Relational Integrity with Cathy Harris 09. Picking Up Your Fallen Mantle with Ken Gott 10. Story Moment with Dan Slade 11. Confident Leaders Set Vision and Strategy with Steve Long 12. Prophetic Word for Catch The Fire with Lynley Allan 13. Prophetic Encouragement with Jess Ninaber, Ash Smith, and Kate Smith 14. Kings and Priests with Duncan Smith