Embracing Our Cities

Based out of Catch The Fire Raleigh-Durham, in North Carolina, a few people went out to the streets handing out water bottles and sandwiches to locals, and the local ministry Embrace was formed.

Six years later and Embrace serves 700-900 individuals every week. With a volunteer base of about 40 people and a partnership with the Food Bank of NC, they go out onto the streets of Durham, going house to house, distributing food and personal items, and offering prayer, love and support. The team are seeing so many lives transformed by Jesus and the consistency of their love.

Join us on a day of outreach! Check out the vlog:

The Lord has provided an amazing building that will become the Catch The Fire Community Center, which will be used to bless the community through food distribution, training, healing, community events, and so on.

Click on the button to see the amazing building and hear testimonies about how the Lord has already used it.

We can do this too! Let’s go and embrace our cities!

God, I pray that you would give us a burden for the lost and the unreached in our cities. I pray that you will provide us with wisdom and vision for our steps and how we can reach those around us that do not yet know you. God, will you break our hearts for what breaks yours. Will you give us deep compassion that will drive us to GO and embrace our cities and our neighbours. I pray that we will have a great love for the lost, Holy Spirit, will you touch our hearts and show us how to love others.


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