Monthly Zoom Call
This monthly call is led by Michael Brodeur, a seasoned voice in revival and leadership. This Zoom call also includes other Catch The Fire leaders who will speak on various topics related to leadership development.
Level 10 Leadership
Our goal at Catch The Fire is to train and release level ten leaders all over the world who can train and release others!
Apostolic Leadership Principles
Learn leadership principles that have stood the test of time. We will learn how to model the way to lead from Moses to Jesus to Paul. We need a fireplace (structure) for the fire!
Your mentoring curriculum.
The workbook 12M Leadership by Michael Brodeur is customized for Catch The Fire members and will give you essential templates for building thriving churches and organizations. Michael will lead us through this comprehensive tool to help you mobilize, train, and send your people to ignite revival and see Kingdom impact all over the world.
Your instructors.
Michael and Diane Brodeur served as pastors in San Francisco for over 33 years and have been involved in many moves of God, including the Father’s Blessing in Toronto. Michael and Diane are church planters and have worked with many apostolic leaders and movements including Catch The Fire, Bethel Church, Jesus Culture, Ed Silvoso, John Wimber, and Peter Wagner.